God Remembers

The other day I read the story of Hannah in the Bible. It’s found in 1 Samuel, chapter one. Hannah loved God but was childless. We’ve discussed this before, but being childless in ancient culture was seen as a curse. Like some of the other barren women mentioned in the Bible (Sarah, Elizabeth, etc), God was at work behind the scenes. 

In 1 Samuel 1:19-20, the author writes this, 

“Elkanah knew Hannah his wife, and the Lord remembered her. And in due time Hannah conceived and gave birth to a son, and she called his name Samuel, for he said, “I have asked for him from the Lord.”

The phrase that sticks out is that “the Lord remembered her.” Did God forget about Hannah? No, for God cannot forget. Did God not hear Hannah’s prayers for a child? God certainly heard Hannah’s prayers. By “remembering,” God is acting according to his promises. 

We had a Church Council meeting last night, and Pastor Dan gave his report to those present. As you likely know, Pastor Dan has a great ministry at five local nursing homes. When he walks into a nursing home room or the home of a shut-in, he is a visible reminder to the person he is visiting that “God remembers” and is faithful in all His promises.

It’s not just Pastor Dan. Each of us carries the presence of God with us (that Holy Spirit that Pastor Neyda preached about on Pentecost Sunday). When we visit the sick, we are reminded that “God remembers.” When we pray with someone, our prayers communicate that “God remembers.” When we share our hope and faith with someone at the end of their rope, our presence communicates that “God remembers.”

Perhaps you need to hear it as you read this post: God will never leave or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:8). We can be encouraged that God is with us and faithful to His promises. God remembers.

About Steve LaMotte

Husband of Andrea and father of four amazing children. Pastor at Avenue United Methodist Church in Milford, Delaware.
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