Celebrating Those Who Pass Along the Faith

Sunday is Mother's Day, and the Bible is filled with stories of women essential to the Gospel. Jesus' genealogy contains the names of five women central to his story and mission: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. Mary Magdalene was the first to proclaim the Good News of the resurrection. Paul tells us about Junia, who he describes as being "outstanding among the Apostles" (Romans 16:7). Scholars believe that Junia may have been one of Paul's benefactors and carried Romans to its recipients, which means she likely would have helped to have explained Paul's writings. Paul recognized that Timothy's grandmother (Lois) and mother (Eunice) were essential in developing his faith.

My faith story is filled with women who have passed along the Good News of Jesus to me. My grandmother, Gertrude, prayed for me every day. My mother, Esther, along with my Dad raised my sister and I to put our faith in Jesus. Sunday School teachers like Janet Hartley and Lois Cashdollar taught me the story of the Bible on the flannelgraph. Mary Lynn (aka ML) was always sure to check in on me and the condition of my walk with God. I see Jesus in Andrea, my wife, as she regularly shows me what love, grace, compassion, and forgiveness look like. My daughters, Abbie and Chloe, bring me so much joy and make me want to be a better Dad and person.

My faith would not be what it is without the impact of the women in my life who have answered the call to be the hands and feet of Christ to me and so many others. Past and present, Avenue is filled with many women who have shared their faith with us. As we celebrate mothers and all the women who helped shape our lives, let us thank God to those who have imparted their faith into our lives.

About Steve LaMotte

Husband of Andrea and father of four amazing children. Pastor at Avenue United Methodist Church in Milford, Delaware.
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